© 2025 Resilient River Communities

Resilient River Communities

Piako River mouth right stopbank asset rationalisation

The Piako River flood scheme includes a range of flood protection assets to protect people and property from frequent flooding. These assets include drains, stopbanks, floodgates and pump stations that provide varying levels of protection depending on location and land use.

Three floodgates on the true right bank near the mouth of the Piako River and the Firth of Thames are nearing the end of their useful life. The floodgates provide protection to 850ha of good agricultural land and the communities within. This project seeks to rationalise these into one floodgate asset to reduce replacement and ongoing operation and maintenance cost as well as ensuring the level of service is maintained along with options for longevity of flood protection in this area.

This area has significance due to the RAMSAR site at the Firth of Thames, and the link to the RAMSAR site at the Kopuatai Peat Dome. Wetland habitat will be created where stopbanks are set back. This project ties in with the Piako River green corridor project.

  • Funded: $1.92m by MBIE (climate resilience)
  • Total project cost: $2.9m
  • Project duration: 3 years
  • Jobs expected over project life: 21