© 2025 Resilient River Communities

Resilient River Communities

Mill Road and Roger Harris pump stations upgrade

This project will see the structural upgrade of three pump stations which are critical in the protection of the Paeroa community. The pump stations allow for primary use of land, which is lower than the mean high tide level, and remove rain and flood waters to an agreed height. The work includes upgrading inlet bays, screens, handrails and platform access.

The four pumps at the Mill Road station combined give the largest protection in New Zealand, pumping 10.4m3 per second. The Roger Harris pump station pumps 4.4m3 per second. The upgrades will also allow for updated electrical installations to enhance our regional resilience and environmental monitoring ability.

  • Funded: $2.88m by MBIE (climate resilience)
  • Total project cost: $4.5m
  • Project duration: 20 months
  • Jobs expected over project life: 13