© 2025 Resilient River Communities

Resilient River Communities

Waihōpai Invercargill Stop Bank Upgrade

Environment Southland

This project is part of a comprehensive programme of climate resilience work underway to protect Southland’s largest urban centre, Waihōpai Invercargill (population 57,000+) and critical infrastructure (Invercargill airport) from inundation. The latest climate resilience initiatives for the city have included widening and raising the stop bank on the true left bank of the Waihōpai River between North Road and Stead Street. Widening the stop bank makes it more robust. It also allows for the height of the stop bank to be raised further, if required, as our understanding of the impacts of climate change and climate models change over time.

To complement this work, Invercargill City Council has replaced the existing Stead Street stop bank with a sheet pile wall and widened and raised the height of the adjoining Cobbe Road stop bank.

These projects will systematically tackle the vulnerabilities that Waihōpai Invercargill faces from climate change, strengthening flood defences and enhancing the resilience of our community and the city's critical infrastructure.

The eastern Waihōpai River stop bank upgrade began in January 2023 and was successfully completed in May 2024 after two construction seasons.

For more information:

Read more about the Waihōpai Invercargill Stop Bank Upgrade.

View the case study here