Waiau township flood protection→
Waiau township has been subject to many flood events from both the Mason and Waiau Uwha Rivers. Numerous ad-hoc stopbanks have been constructed over the past century, the earliest dating between 1907 and 1922 by the Waiau Riverside Protection Board.
Ashley/Rakahuri River protection→
The Ashley River/Rakahuri is a key feature of the North Canterbury landscape that poses a significant flood risk to the communities living on its floodplain. This project involves removing exotic vegetation which is currently choking a 21-kilometre section of the river between Ashley Gorge and the Okuku River confluence, and in the Okuku River.
Waimakariri River protection→
The Waimakariri and Kaiapoi River stopbanks protect Kaiapoi township and the surrounding area from flooding. They are part of the Waimakariri-Eyre-Cust flood protection system which is maintained by Environment Canterbury.
Halswell/Huritini weed barrage→
This project involves the replacement of a piece of critical infrastructure, currently at the end of its life, which is used to capture river weed cut in the Halswell River/Huritini.
Rangitata 2019 flood recovery→
A major flood event in December 2019 affected several alpine rivers in Canterbury. The Rangitata River broke out of the main channel at three key locations, causing a significant amount of damage to flood protection, roading, rail, farm, electricity supply and other assets.
Regionwide river berm transition programme→
This ambitious natural infrastructure project will increase the resilience of river berms for flood and erosion protection, and foster regeneration of native flora and fauna across 23 rivers throughout Canterbury.
Waitarakao Washdyke Lagoon pipe capping→
Drainage pipes at Waitarakao Washdyke were at risk of being damaged if water overtopped the bank. Work was required to help prevent damage.
Fish passage remediation→
Protecting our native freshwater fish species is extremely important. Canterbury Regional Council (Environment Canterbury) owns and maintains many instream structures like flood gates, culverts and weirs across Waitaha/Canterbury, and some can make it difficult for ika/fish to move through waterways to travel for food sources and to return to breeding grounds.