Over the years the river has narrowed, and a deep scour hole has developed, increasing erosion vulnerability. This project involved rock works at McIntoshs bend, a particularly difficult part of the river due to a sharp bend where the river has narrowed over the years causing erosion.
The new rock works strengthened existing riverbank rock protection around McIntoshs bend and added new rock armouring to the adjacent stopbank.
This project is now complete, and ECan are finishing the closure report. Aerial photos and video of the completed works detail the full extent of the project. An event is currently in the planning stage to celebrate the completion of the project with attendance from partners, key stakeholders, and key media.
Since its completion, the improvements to this popular fishing spot have been well-received by regulars and newcomers alike. The upgraded amenities including enhanced parking, a picnic table and toilet facilities that have proved popular with the many walkers and runners using the area. The recently completed wetland and dryland native planting is a boost for native bird and animal habitat, enhancing the popular area for locals.