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Resilient River Communities

Bay of Plenty Regional Council, good progress on Rangitāiki floodwall resilience project

The Council received money from Central Government’s Crown Infrastructure Funding project to help cover the cost of replacing three concrete floodwalls on the Rangitāiki River.
Bay Of Plenty Regional Council

The new earth stopbanks with a sheet-pile centres are designed to control seepage which can undermine and collapse the stopbank and put people and properties at risk.

The upgrade of the Greig Road stopbank has been completed and you can watch an update on the progress they’ve made on the site on East Bank Road near Thornton School here -  Floodwalls on the lower Rangitāiki River - YouTube

Conversations with affected landowners are continuing at the remaining College Road site with work expected to begin in the new year and take 6 months to complete.

Work on the Rangitāiki Floodwalls project began in October 2020 and employs 26 people.

The funding covers $2.25 million of the $5.0 million project.

